Welcome to Guardians Never Forget Documentary

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When you think about a Veteran what do you see? Do you see a war hero? Do you see a person of integrity? Do you see a disability? Do you see a loved one struggling to see life as a civilian? These are all good questions but, there are so many more. These are stories that we must tell from your loved ones and those who have put on the uniform, that is why I created the Guardians Never Forget Documentary.

Through this project I want to tell the story of the veterans across the globe. According to VA data there are over 866,000 Veterans in Ohio alone. Think of the stories! Think of the experiences. Think of the wisdom! Therefore, the project is so important. Let’s keep our eye on the prize and honor our Guardians, and never forget their story!

There Are Heroes Among Us. This is Danny Francisco, a 96-year-old WWII veteran who flew 50 successful missions over Europe as a tail-gunner in a B-17 warplane. He recently had the chance to jump back in the same plane he fought at 18 years old in 1945. Stories like his need to be told as veterans like him are the reason the world is free today. He is a hero that lives among us, and there are plenty more in this great country. Let

Our Veterans 


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